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Annual Fee Program

Annual Fee / Block Fee Program


The primary component of a successful Uninsured Services Program is the Annual Fee / Block Fee Program. How well you communicate and explain this program to patients is a determining factor in their willingness to participate in the program. Doctors Services sends out an informative, comprehendible, and personalized Annual Fee / Block Fee Letter to all patients. This ensures that they know the program and understand their payment options.

With Doctors Services you don’t have to worry about any administrative hassle. To make things simple for your practice we take care of all the back-end administration. We also provide patients with great support and answer any questions or concerns that they may have, either through email or over the phone.

What Makes Our Program Successful? 


Informative Letters:

  • We send out informative, clear, and personalized letters
  • Letters include easy payment methods
  • Patients have the option to pay online, over the phone, or through a paid return envelope
  • Clear contact details are listed


Patient Education:

  • The brochure included in the mailing explains what uninsured services are and their impact on a physicians’ practice
  • We provide a printed fee guide listing uninsured services and their associated charges
  • Professionally designed posters for waiting room help to inform patients when they are in the office


Flexible Programs:

  • The Annual Fee / Block Fee to be charged is customizable and chosen by each physician
  • Customizable Uninsured Fee guides
  • Opportunity to include a newsletter in the mailing, to update patients on new office developments


Delivery Options:

  • We give delivery options so you can decide what option best suits the demographic of your practice and patients. Letters can be sent by regular mail or email.


Seamless Administration-Taken Care of by Us:

  • We take care of all the administrative work
  • We provide follow up services where patients that have not responded to their Annual Fee letter are sent reminders
  • Receipts are sent to patients automatically after a payment is received



  • Single anniversary date; all patients start and finish the Annual Fee Program for the same 12 month period
  • Single mailing date; all Annual Fee Program letters are mailed to patients on the same date, one month prior to the commencement of the program
  • Reports sent electronically to the office weekly and monthly providing updated payment Information, including a listing of patients who have paid the Block Fee
  • Practice staff have online access to see all patient payment information in real time


Exceptional Customer Service:

  • The Annual Fee letter lists our contact information, not your office’s,, so that we can take care of all the customer service
  • Patients can call us for assistance or with questions
  • They are also able to pay fees over the phone with us
  • There is an online FAQ that provides patients with additional information